20 Harmful Chemicals You Must Avoid In Baby Skincare Products
- by Baby Organo

You do know that carcinogens can cause cancer more easily in children than in adults, right? The average carcinogen that destroys DNA is ten times more potent for children compared to adults, and chemicals that cause cancer through genetic abnormalities can be as much as sixty-five times more toxic for children.
Toys and other typical baby items expose youngsters to these toxins, which is shocking. You might want to avoid diapers, wipes, sunscreen, bath products, and many other items, including a laundry list of substances you should try to avoid. Ayurvedic baby care products are a great alternative.
For your convenience, we have created a list of components found in baby products that you should avoid and the reasons behind them. Feel free to refer to this list of harmful chemicals in baby care products the next time you shop for your little one.
Damaging Chemicals You Must Sidestep In Baby Skincare Products
Here is the list of harmful chemicals in baby care products you must not use for baby skincare. We will also explore how to avoid these damaging products and increase the use of Ayurvedic skincare products for babies.
Eye discomfort, blurred vision, burning throat, chemical burns, and shortness of breath are some of the symptoms that might occur after being exposed to bleach.
Because of its strong reactivity, it can also react badly with certain substances, such as acids, alcohol, or ammonia. Some people's skin is so delicate that it reacts negatively to bleach-washed clothes.
Using Bleach: How to Avoid It
It is simple and effective to whiten clothing without using bleach. When applied correctly, our hydrogen peroxide disinfectant kills over 99.9 percent of bacteria, viruses, and germs. Filth, muck, and filth are much easier to dissolve with its aid.
The Padimate-O
Some sunscreens contain the chemical padimate-O, which absorbs ultraviolet B rays. Nevertheless, research has connected it to an increased risk of skin cancer and demonstrated that it produces free radicals that can damage DNA.
Padimate-O: How to Avoid It
If you want sunscreen, skip the chemical filters and use one with mineral-based active ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Before buying sunscreen, make sure to read the label for the list of ingredients.
Synthetic Fragrances
Derivatives from plants are more expensive than synthetic scents. Substances like toluene, neurotoxic, benzene derivatives and aldehydes, proven carcinogens, are frequently derived from petroleum byproducts.
The term "fragrance" on personal care products can mislead the substances utilised. Companies are not obligated to provide the FDA with details on fragrance ingredients. "Trade secrets" are to thank for this.
Synthetic Fragrances: How to Avoid Them
Using fragrance-free, clearly labelled items is best for your little one's delicate skin. Ensure the fragrances in any infant care product are made from natural ingredients (such as organic essential oils) wherever possible.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
According to an increasing number of studies, babies ingest an alarming amount of microplastics daily. Avoid bisphenol A (BPA)-containing infant bottles and canned foods at all costs.
BPA: How to Avoid
Try to get food in glass containers or make your baby food at home instead of in cans since BPA resins are often used to coat the inside of cans. Most importantly, don't use the microwave to heat plastics.
Tributyltin (TBT)
Tributyltin (TBT) is a known fetotoxic, cardiotoxic, embryotoxic, and gonadotoxic toxin that can cause significant injury to a developing foetus. It is occasionally detected on the top sheet and in the adhesive portions of disposable diapers.
TBT: How to Avoid
Using organic, non-toxic, and/or biodegradable diapers is the easiest method to keep your little one safe from tributyltin. Cloth diapers are another product that has grown in popularity in the past few years.
The usage of oxybenzone in chemical sunscreens has been a point of contention in recent years. The European Commission has suggested a 2.2% limit for the content of oxybenzone. This chemical is widely used in sunscreens due to its efficacy against ultraviolet radiation. American sunscreen makers can legally use doses as high as 6%.
Oxybenzone: How to Avoid It
Choosing sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (which are deemed ocean-safe) is the simplest method to stay away from oxybenzone.
Also Read: Ways to Care Baby's Delicate Skin with the Power of Ayurveda
Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
Products that are resistant to stains, water, and grease are made using perfluorochemicals, a class of chemicals. Some infant clothes, bedding, non-stick kitchenware, waterproof garments, and stain-resistant materials include these.
Exposure to PFCs has been associated with developmental delays, liver damage, and immune system malfunction, according to studies. They also have the reputation of being endocrine disruptors.
PFCs: How to Avoid Them
Look for alternatives manufactured from natural materials or choose products that are labelled as PFC-free. Things that claim water-, stain-, or grease-resistant should raise red flags because they can contain PFCs.
Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPEs)
Several household cleaners and detergents use nonylphenol ethoxylates as a surfactant. Evidence shows they can interfere with hormone balance and reproductive development because of their endocrine-disrupting properties. The introduction of NPEs into water supplies is equally detrimental to aquatic life.
How to Avoid Non-Performing Evaluations (NPEs)
Select non-perfluoroethylene (NPE)-free, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. Try to find items that do not contain any NPEs on the label.
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Food and personal care items often include butylated hydroxyanisole, a synthetic antioxidant, as a preservative. Because of its association with liver, thyroid, and renal issues, as well as its classification as a "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" by the National Toxicology Programme, BHA should be avoided in any form.
BHA: How to Avoid
If you see BHA on a product's ingredient list, avoid it. Instead, look for alternatives that contain natural antioxidants, such as rosemary extract and vitamin E.
Chlorine is a ubiquitous disinfectant found in household goods, pool chemicals, and municipal water systems. In addition to being a known carcinogen and irritant to the respiratory and skin systems, it has been associated with producing other hazardous metabolites.
Chlorine: How to Avoid
Choose water filters that exclude chlorine from municipal water supply and cleaning supplies that do not contain chlorine. Consider using saltwater or a UV system as an alternative to chlorine for your pool if you own one.
Lotions and creams for babies and other personal care items often contain polyacrylamide, a synthetic polymer used for binding and thickening. One of its byproducts, acrylamide, is a neurotoxin and may cause cancer in humans if it breaks down.
Polyacrylamide: How to Avoid
To avoid purchasing anything that contains polyacrylamide, be sure to read labels carefully. Xanthan gum and guar gum are natural thickening and binding agents; choose these over alternatives.
An assortment of antibacterial soaps and toothpaste contain triclosan, an antimicrobial ingredient. Triclosan has been associated in research with negative outcomes for aquatic life, antibiotic resistance, and endocrine disruption. Despite the FDA's restriction on triclosan in OTC consumer antiseptic wash products, you could still see it in other brands.
Triclosan Avoidance Strategies:
Avoid products that include triclosan and instead look for ones that use natural antimicrobials, such as thyme or tea tree oil. Before buying, make sure you read the label regarding triclosan.
Some sunscreens and cosmetics contain nanoparticles, which are incredibly tiny particles. Some worry that they might cause injury if they enter the skin, even if they might make the product work better. According to some research, specific nanoparticles may harm cells and organs.
Preventing Nanoparticle Exposure:
To avoid nanomaterials, opt for anything marked "non-nano" or "nano-free." Try to find sunscreens that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide in bigger, non-nano sized particles.
Monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), and triethanolamine (TEA) are ethanolamines that are utilised as emulsifiers and foaming agents in personal care products, such as baby washes and shampoos. Allergies, skin irritation, and toxicity to organ systems have all been associated with them.
Preventing Ethanolamine Exposure:
Make sure to read labels carefully for any mention of ethanolamines or their acronyms (MEA, DEA, and TEA). Go for natural alternatives, such as surfactants made from coconuts or emulsifiers derived from plants, rather than ones that include harmful chemicals.
Some skin care products contain hydroquinone, a skin-lightening ingredient used to cure skin discolouration. It may cause cancer, allergic reactions, and skin irritation. You should still be mindful of this ingredient, even if it is not usually found in infant items.
Hydroquinone: How to Avoid
Instead of using hydroquinone-containing medications, use natural ingredients like liquorice root extract or vitamin C to alleviate skin discolouration.
Retinyl Palmitate
Sunscreens and skin care products may contain retinyl palmitate, a kind of vitamin A. Using it in conjunction with sunlight has been associated with an increased risk of skin sensitivity, inflammation, and malignancy.
Retinyl palmitate Avoidance Strategies:
Avoid using sunscreens and skin care products containing retinyl palmitate. Instead, use beta-carotene or another safer form of vitamin A.
Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs)
In personal care products, polyethene glycols (PEGs) serve as thickeners, solvents, and softeners. These substances are derived from petroleum. Toxic contaminants such as ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane are associated with cancer and organ system damage; they can be present in PEGs.
How to Avoid Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs)
Go for natural alternatives, such as plant-based glycerine or vegetable oils, and avoid products that include PEGs. For "PEG-free" promises, make sure to read product labels.
Some baby care products, like wipes and shampoos, contain quaternion-15 as a preservative. Formaldehyde is a proven carcinogen in humans, and it can irritate the skin and eyes.
Quaternium-15: How to Avoid It
Products that use sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate as preservatives are preferable to those that contain quaternion-15. Mark your products as "quaternion-15-free" to ensure they are free of this chemical.
Some baby care products, like nail polish, contain toluene, a solvent. Damage to the neurological system and reproductive injury have been associated with it.
Toluene: How to Avoid
Go for water-based nail paints or choose baby-safe polishes that do not contain toluene. Seek out products that say "toluene-free" on the label.
DMDM Hydantoin:
Many infant shampoos and lotions contain the preservative DMDM hydantoin. Formaldehyde, a recognised carcinogen, can irritate the skin, trigger allergies, and be released in trace levels.
DMDM Hydantoin: How to Avoid It
Look for "DMDM hydantoin" on the label and avoid buying anything with it. Consider alternatives that use natural preservatives, such as those made from plants.
Key Takeaways
So, we listed the harmful chemicals in baby care products. Parental anxiety is already high, and the prospect of their children being exposed to the various harmful chemicals that are prevalent today just makes things worse. The best alternative is the adoption of Ayurvedic skincare products for babies.
Additionally, numerous groups concerned with public health and the environment are demanding more regulations or, at the very least, more testing of the chemicals that the average population comes into touch with daily exposure. As we mentioned earlier, one possible component of the solution would be educating consumers and others about the use of Ayurvedic baby care products.