5 Most Impressive Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil
- by Baby Organo

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Eucalyptus trees are now grown all over the world and used for their medicinal properties but it originally native to Australia. Their healing power comes from eucalyptus oil, which is made from the tree’s oval-shaped leaves. The oil that comes from the eucalyptus tree is used as an antiseptic, a perfume, as an ingredient in cosmetics, as a flavoring, in dental preparations, and in industrial solvents.
Eucalyptus oil is a little miracle multi-tasker that can help relieve not only one or two, but is good for all of your cold and flu symptoms. Even better, it can actually help stop them before they even catch hold. Eucalyptus oil is a simple proven natural Home Remedies to cure cold and cough naturally in babies in this winter.
Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil
Silence a cough
For many years, eucalyptus oil has been used to relieve coughing. Today, some over-the-counter cough medications have eucalyptus oil as one of their active ingredients. Our BabyOrgano Natural Cold relief Roll On for example, contains eucalyptus oil along with other cough suppressant ingredients.
Clears Stuffy Nose
Is your kid coughing but nothing is coming up? Eucalyptus oil can not only silence a cough, it can also help you get the mucus out of your chest and clear stuffy nose .Inhaling vapor made with the essential oil can loosen mucus so that when you do cough, it’s expelled. Using a rub containing eucalyptus oil will produce the same effect.
Freshens your breath
Eucalyptus oil’s natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can be helpful in reducing the bacteria in your mouth that may contribute to cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and other oral health issues.
Heals Insect Bites
Mosquitoes and other biting insects carry diseases that can be dangerous for kids health. Eucalyptus oil is a handy natural mosquito repellent. It produces cooling effect when topically applied to diminish pain as well as inflammation.
Disinfect wounds
The use of eucalyptus leaves to treat wounds and prevent infection. This oil may be used on minor burns or other injuries that can be treated at home. Minor injuries, scrapes, or bruises would benefit from this oil and it contains antibacterial and anti-microbial components.
Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree that’s widely used for its medicinal properties. It is widely used as a natural cold remedy and is a common ingredient in cold and cough products. BabyOrgano Natural Cold Relief Roll-On is made of essential oils such as wintergreen, eucalyptus & tulsi which are known for having healing properties in the context of Ayurvedic practice. The healing properties of the oils work fast to relieve nasal congestion, sore throat, stuffy nose and promote peaceful sleep.
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- Home-Remedies