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6 Benefits of Massaging the baby daily

  • by Baby Organo
6 Benefits of Massaging the baby daily
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    The practice of Baby massaging goes down in the history of ancient India and, the fact that it is still prevalent speaks a lot about its vitality. Slowly this affectionate ayurvedic practice is finding its way in the west. Baby massaging is not just a practice but also a way to develop an emotional bond.

    The gentle rhythmic motions are not only nice to feel but also to give. Regular massaging can make the baby accustomed to your touch helping them understand your relationship to them. It's also a great way for their sibling to interact and to get involved with the baby.

    Massaging might also help in their fussiness and crying. Choosing to massage your baby may raise a lot of questions and, one such question is to pick a suitable Soothing Baby Massaging oil.

    Here are some benefits of massaging your baby regularly:

    1. Improved Immunity - Massaging stimulates blood flow, it is great for baby’s immunity and keeps the baby healthy. It also nourishes the baby’s body.
    2. Better coordination and motor development as baby grows - There are studies that show that baby’s massaged regularly in their infancy have better motor development and, massaging facilitates weight gain. Massaging boosts development and makes their digestive system work more efficiently. It is great for premature babies.
    3. Better digestion and gas relief - The gentle rhythmic strokes help release gas. As the baby has limited movements it needs help in making its body move. It relaxes the baby and, their breathing becomes deeper.
    4. Improved body awareness - A baby in its infancy doesn’t know its body. And massaging can help them explore their body. The stimulation with the help of massaging helps them know their contours and parameters. Massaging can also help you build your confidence as a parent to handle them; it will essentially help you understand their signs and what they want.
    5. Help baby sleep well - Sleep requires a certain level of mental peace and quietness. A baby usually is overjoyed or oversensitive the balance is hard to get in the early days. Massaging can help a great deal in this. Massaging a baby is very calming for them and massaging releases the feel-good hormones which help the baby to sleep longer and better.
    6. Greater bonding between baby and caregiver - Massaging develops a special and intimate bond between the baby and the parent. The parent gets to different moods of baby, they also get know how to handle them in various moods. It is the most quality time one can spend with a baby.
    Soothing Baby Massaging oil