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How To Identify The Most Common Newborn Baby Problems?

How To Identify The Most Common Newborn Baby Problems?

Every parent wants their baby to be happy and healthy. They ensure their little one gets the best care through natural baby care products and their infinite love. But as you know, newborns are sensitive and prone to get sick more th an you would like. There are some newborn baby problems that even the healthiest ones face frequently. Sad, right?

It is natural to feel overwhelmed seeing your baby in distress or pain. Understanding infants' common problems during their initial months is the best way to comfort them. This article highlights the primary symptoms of the most commonly happening health problems in newborns so you can keep your little ones safe. Let’s start:

Newborn Health Problems You Must Know

Every child is special and has their own growth story. Still, some health problems are most likely to bother your newborn at some point. 

1. Colic

Colic is a condition involving excessive crying in healthy babies for no apparent reason. It is one of the most common newborn baby problems that starts between the third and sixth week after birth and reduces significantly after 3 to 4 months. In colic, the episodes of cries last more than 3 hours at the same time every day. 

The exact reason for colic pain is not known. However, it usually happens due to gas, food allergies, overfeeding or underfeeding, etc. 

Symptoms of Colic

  • Intense crying usually starts in the evening.
  • Painful look on the face.
  • Extra fussiness even after calming.
  • A hard, swollen abdomen. 
  • Clenched fists and arched back.
  • Legs curled up over the tummy. 
  • Face turning red after long hours of crying. 

Effective solutions for Colic

  • Ensure your baby is adequately fed. 
  • Rock them or massage their stomach or back. 
  • Swaddling is a good remedy for easing your baby. 
  • Apply hing around the baby’s navel area for gas relief, or use gentle newborn baby care products like natural Tummy Roll-On.

2. Bowel Function

Doctors suggest that newborns have their first urination or bowel within twenty-four hours of birth. The first motion is black or dark green and slimy in texture due to the presence of a substance called meconium. This material gets filled in the baby’s intestines before they are born. If your baby doesn’t release meconium in the first 48 hours, you must consult the doctor. 

Sometimes, a baby gets a small amount of blood in their stool. If this happens in the first few days, it is considered normal. However, you must inform your doctor to avoid any severe troubles. 

3. Jaundice

Jaundice is common in infants and is recognised by the yellow color of the skin. Reports suggest that many babies are born with neonatal jaundice. The leading cause of this disease is an excessive buildup of bilirubin in a baby’s blood as their underdeveloped liver fails to get rid of the substance. 

Usually, neonatal jaundice is considered harmless for the baby and is likely to subside in 2-3 weeks post-birth. If it persists beyond this period, it can signal a health problem. Consult a physician without any delay. 

4. Respiratory Troubles

Like most body parts, a newborn's lungs are developing. This often leads to a lack of oxygen supply to the body. Moreover, babies need a few hours after birth to learn a normal breathing pattern. However, blocked nasal passages can delay this process. One way to bring comfort is to use a natural cold relief roll-on infused with Ayurvedic herbs. It will help ease congestion and subside cold problems. 

If your baby shows the following signals, reach out to your doctor instantly:

  • Fast breaths: Kids breathe faster than adults in normal conditions. However, if they are taking more than 60 breaths per minute, it can be an issue.
  • Retractions: They are visible in the muscles between the ribs, below them, or under the rib cage. In this, the chest appears to dip with each breath. The condition is a sign of difficulty breathing in babies.
  • Skin turning blue.
  • Nose flaring and grunting sound while breathing.  

5. Umbilical Cord Problems

The umbilical cord is a tube that connects the mother to the baby during the pregnancy. It helps transfer nutrition, oxygen, and body waste. After the child’s birth, the doctor cuts the cord off from the body. However, a small stump is left behind, which can face three common problems:

  • Bleeding Stump: You might see a few drops of blood when the stump falls off. This is normal. However, seek a doctor’s help immediately if the stump bleeds profusely. 
  • Umbilical Granuloma: In some babies, the cord forms a small, red mass of tissue that rests on the belly button after the cord has fallen off. The tissue discharges a light-yellow fluid. Usually, the condition goes away in about a week, but if not, contact your doctor. 
  • Umbilical Hernia: Hernia is when the baby’s umbilical cord tissue comes outward due to increased abdominal pressure. The condition heals by itself in the first 12-15 months. However, it stays for three to five years of age in some kids. This requires expert consideration.

6. Anaemia

Anaemia is when the body doesn’t have sufficient red blood cells or low haemoglobin levels. This means a low oxygen level in the bloodstream compared to a normal, healthy baby. A child suffering from anemia looks pale and lacks energy. If left untreated, it can pose serious health risks to the child. 

Further, you can trust natural baby care products like Suvarnaprashan Drops to improve your baby’s immunity. This 5000-year-old Ayurvedic immunity booster has 24CT Gold Ash and 10+ herbs like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Vacha, etc. It not only boosts immunity but also strengthens focus and improves digestive health. 

7. Ear infections

Ear infections can be a big pain, especially for newborns. Caused by bacteria, these infections usually happen after the child gets a cold, sore throat, or other respiratory problems. During an ear infection, the child might tug at the infected ear. These infections can linger long and cause hearing loss if not treated. 

Use a natural roll-on for cold to comfort your child. The roll-on has essential oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, chamomile, and wintergreen. It relieves colds and coughs, soothes sore throats, and eases congestion for comfortable breathing. 

8. Coughing

Sometimes, your baby can act hastily while drinking breast milk. It can depend on the flow of the milk from the breast. This causes them to cough and spit out the milk. Typically, this coughing stops as your baby gets familiar with the feeding routine. 

If it continues for a long or becomes more frequent, consult your paediatrician, as it might be a lung or digestive issue. A natural Cold Relief Roll on can be the best solution to ease coughing. It has organic essential oils that reduce newborn baby cough problems, throat pain, and nasal congestion. Natural baby care products use Ayurveda-trusted ingredients that nourish your newborns from within. 

9. Lethargy

Your newborn is likely to sleep a lot. However, there is a difference between normal sleep and lethargy, which can indicate serious health problems. The main symptoms of lethargy are:

  • The baby seems tired or sleeps longer than their routine. 
  • They don’t wake up on their own for feedings, and it is hard to wake them up.
  • The little one is inattentive to sounds and visuals, even when awake. 
  • They look tired and show a lack of interest in eating. 

Seek help from a doctor if your baby shows the signs mentioned above. Moreover, your newborn needs extra immunity to fight the pestering health problems. Suvarnaprashan is an Ayurvedic immunity booster that also promotes holistic growth in kids. It is a perfect start for a healthy future for your newborn.

10. Blue Baby Syndrome

Blue Baby Syndrome, or infant methemoglobinemia, is a rare condition in which a baby’s skin turns blue due to insufficient oxygen in the blood. It can be caused due to contact with specific substances or indicative of some severe health problem. However, some newborns experience it at birth.

The main symptoms of this syndrome are:

  • Bluish skin discolouration around the mouth, hands, and feet.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Unconsciousness
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea
  • Seizures

If left untreated, the condition can lead to coma and death of the child. 

Wrapping up

Caring for your newborn is round-the-clock work for parents. Everything must be closely checked: their feedings, newborn baby care products, sleep schedules, and body responses. The health problems in newborns elaborated on in this article will help you address their needs easily. You can make informed decisions and seek expert help for quick solutions. 

Keep following us for more informative guides on childcare, baby care products online, Ayurvedic wellness, and natural care.

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