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DIY Diwali Crafts for Kids

  • by Baby Organo
DIY Diwali Crafts for Kids

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    Diwali is just around the corner and we are sure you would be looking for some interesting activities to keep the naughty minds involved. Well, we have got it sorted as this week we are going to talk about a few DIY activities for toddlers. We won’t create a hassle for you to run around the market and get the materials but these activities can be done using the material available at home. Read on to know about a few interesting activities that children can be engaged in during this Diwali:

    Diya painting

    Children love colouring irrespective of what they are colouring. For this particular activity, all you need is a paintbrush, some watercolors, earthern diyas, and a small bowl of water. Keep an old napkin handy in case the child wants to wipe his/her hands. Let the children colour the diyas freestyle in whatever colours they choose. If they want something intricate, you can draw a design or pattern on the diyas in which the kids can later colour. Once painted, let these diyas dry out in sunlight.

    Coloured bangle candle holder

    Put those unused bangles lying around the house to good use. All you need is some bangles, glue and chart paper. Put a bangle on the chart paper and cut the paper in the shape and size of the bangle. If it's slightly bigger, don't worry. It works! Now ask the child to stick the paper to the bangle and then stack one bangle on top of the other to form a bangle candle holder of desired height. Decorate the bangles with glitter polka dots if needed. Put the candle inside and light it up!

    Coloured bangle candle holder

    Soft dough diya

    All you need is some flour, salt, and water. Help your child make a dough with the mentioned ingredients. Children can use this dough like they would use clay or play dough and mould a diya of their favourite shape. You can add some food colour to make the dough colourful. Let the child decorate the diya the way they would like it once it has dried.

    Playdough rangoli

    This is one of the most fun yet simple activities you can engage your child in. Ask the child to make long rolls of playdough and then decorate it around the diyas to make a rangoli. If they want, they can also add leaves made of dough or just tiny polka dots around the circular playdough bordering the diya.

    Paper lantern with ice cream sticks

    Diwali is incomplete without lanterns. The child is supposed to glue the ends of the ice cream stick to form a square. For one paper lantern, four such squares will be needed. Once the squares are ready, let them dry for a bit. Meanwhile, ask the child to make a mandala or any freestyle drawing of his/her choice on four papers. The more colourful it is, the better. Once the drawing is done, stick it to the ice cream stick squares such that the drawing remains outwards. The sticks can be decorated with glitter or coloured tapes. Once done, put the tealight inside and you have a lantern ready!

    You can also encourage your child to make flower garlands using fresh flowers including marigolds and leaves. Let the children make a rangoli of their choice on all days of the festivities. We wish you a happy and safe Diwali.