Effective ways to sleep train a baby without a cradle or other motion
- by Baby Organo

Agree or don't, but the baby's nap hours are a new version of 'happy hours for the parents'. Babies are the most adorable to see while sleeping, and anyone from outside can complement the peacefully napping toddler. Now, let's revise the few moments before this ultimate peace. The struggle to put the toddler to bed instead of swing and those almost convincing cries to let them sleep in the swing is a demanding task.
Even today, most Indian families prefer traditional swings for babies. Even the foldable cradles are available in the current times, but that doesn't solve your problem. The problem is with the hard to break habit an infant develops of sleeping in the swing and isn't ready to give up.
If you are an Indian parent whose 18 to 24 months toddler still prefers to sleep in the swing, also called Ghodiyu, Jhula or a hammock, this blog is just for you. These are the techniques you can implement to train your baby to sleep without a cradle or swing.
How to sleep train your baby without a cradle
Create comfortable and familiar surroundings
It is no secret that babies are the connoisseur of movements. Kids love swaying, bouncing, jiggling, rocking or anything that includes motion. And movement is what a baby feels when they sleep in a swing.
When you begin with a child's transition from a cradle to bed, ensure to provide cosy and comfortable surroundings. Place the kid beside you, wrap them in your arms and stroke their back or hair; nothing is more comforting than your love and warmth.
Plan energetic activities for your toddler
Tired of swinging the cradle for an hour? Do your hands ache with the constant swing movement to put your toddler to sleep? Well, the answer is obvious. However, the foremost thing to consider to break the sleeping habit of a baby is to engage them in activities.
All you gotta do is, indulge your child in activities, take them out in the park to play, take them for a stroll or do anything that drains their energy. When toddlers constantly stay active, it makes them tired, and they doze off without much effort, and they'll conveniently sleep in the bed or anywhere, to be honest.
Create a sleep schedule
It is a big deal to mess with your toddler's sleep cycle. Hence, in letting go of their cradle habit, do not make significant changes in a child's napping schedule. Put your toddler to sleep simultaneously every day and stick to the schedule.
A fixed sleep schedule is a favorable factor because it makes the child sleepy mainly at the same time daily and requires fewer efforts to put them to sleep in the bed.
Have a bedtime routine
Instituting a bedtime routine for a kid can include-bedtime stories, a long bath, shutting off electronic devices, and creating a dim and soothing environment. When you execute the same bedtime routine daily for a baby, it relaxes them and keeps overstimulation at bay.
The bedtime routine for a toddler is like having a pre-bed warm. The bedtime tasks you perform with a child every day indicate that they'll have to go to bed thenceforth.
Practice positive reinforcements
It is undoubtedly not a walk in the park to put a baby asleep in bed who's habituated to sleeping in the cradle. The changes are challenging to adopt for you as well as your toddler. But, you can practice positive reinforcements to ease the process of transition.
Give your child rewards that encourage them to not sleep in the swing. Build a rewards system by showering praises, giving a toy or allowing having one more cookie. These positive reinforcements drive their urge to sleep in bed sooner or later.
Have patience and keep trying
Every change in the world takes time. Therefore, do not force your child to adopt the transition fleetly. Keep your utmost calm, and do not overwhelm the toddler with the change. Be patient enough to allow your child to adjust and adapt to the changes.
Most importantly, keep the swing as an open option. Because, at the end of the day, you cannot insert changes at the cost of your baby's sleep and peace. Keep it smooth. Happy Transition!