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How Ayurvedic products can be beneficial for the kids?

  • by Baby Organo
How Ayurvedic products can be beneficial for the kids?
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    Ayurveda plays a crucial role in maintaining good health, both in adult as well as in children. This ancient Indian healthcare system that uses a natural and holistic approach to improve physical and mental health can be useful for the development of young ones, from babies to teenagers.

    People often misunderstand that Ayurvedic products are only meant for adults and should not be given to children as they might not suit. But this is not true. There are several Ayurvedic products that are manufactured to suit the requirements of babies and children based on their dosage.

    It has been found that many Indian children suffer from malnutrition and low immunity right from the infancy level. And parents face a lot of trouble keeping their babies safe from the attacks of cold and other diseases.

    Infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable to falling sick during the autumn and winter season. At this tender age, when the immune system of a child is only developing, unlike an adult's one, it requires remedies that would help strengthen the immune systems. If you want to take a holistic approach then Ayurvedic medicine for child health care is the right way to go.

    How does Ayurveda enhances a child's immune system without any harmful side effects?

    To know how Ayurveda works for children you need to understand how our immune system gets blocked by a toxic substance called 'ama'.

    During seasonal transitions, our body begins to adjust to the seasons. As it transitions from hot to cold, our body can build up ‘Ama’, a foul-smelling, sticky, toxic substance that needs to be completely evacuated from the body. When ama accumulates in the body, it blocks the flow of energy, information, and nourishment throughout the system. Ayurveda considers this build-up of toxins as the underlying cause of all diseases.

    If we don't get rid of this toxic substance then we get prone to various digestive diseases and infections that can lead to cold and flu-like symptoms.

    Now when this ama, built up in your child's immune system during the winter season, melts and gets into the bloodstream it blocks the passages of the immune system and hinders its performance. This is why your child gets susceptible to cold and flu.

    Ayurvedic recommendations

    Cleanse the body of toxins using natural remedies: Purification treatments using Ayurvedic medicines and adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle for your child can be the most beneficial in this case. This may include:

    • A good body massage
    • Warm baths
    • Cleansing treatments for the digestive system
    • Maintain a healthy diet by consuming whole foods that include organic ingredients
    • Having food that contains immune-enhancing spices like cumin, fennel, garlic, ginger, chillies, black pepper, and turmeric
    • Ayurvedic medicine for immunity in kids

    An Ayurvedic Babyorgano Baalamrut Swarnaprashan (suvarnaprashan) drops for children can also be helpful in this case. The potent ingredients in such tonics help promote digestion and enhance their appetite as well.


    Baalamrut Swarnaprashan


    Irregular bowels and constipation among children are two common problems. There are Ayurvedic medicines that can help heal constipation for your child and keep the body clean.

    Apart from medicines maintaining an active and healthy routine is also recommended.

    Your child is your precious little bundle of joy. Keep them healthy and happy by choosing treatments and medicines that provide holistic healing and have little to no side effects because they will garner positive results.