How to treat diaper rash in babies?
- by Baby Organo
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Diaper rashes are common in babies and it happens when the diaper area remains moist and warm. Usually, diaper rashes can occur by the irritation caused by the stool or urine, sensitive skin, or because of the too-tight diaper.
Easy ways to treat diaper rashes in babies
Keep it clean and dry
The most important way to prevent diaper rash in babies is to keep their diaper area clean dry. Make sure you select the proper size of diaper for your baby. And yes, do not wrap it too tightly around your baby’s waist. Your baby should feel relaxed and comfortable after wearing diapers.
Additionally, give some time without diapers also. Let your child be free without diapers and play around. This will help in keeping the diaper area dry.
Once you open the diaper, wipe that area with a clean and soft cloth, or with alcohol-free wet wipes. Do not rub the skin too hard, just wipe gently.
While bathing, prefer gentle and mild soap, or any soap-free baby wash, which can help to maintain the pH balance of the skin. To dry the area, just pat, do not rub.
No prolonged usage of diapers
One of the major reasons behind diaper rash is the prolonged usage of soiled diapers. The moment you see that the diaper is almost soiled and looking sagged, remove it immediately. As this wet diaper can lead to diaper rash in your baby.
On the other hand, if you’re using cloth diapers, then rinse cloth diapers 2-3 times properly to make sure that soap has properly washed-off. Remember, a baby’s skin is sensitive and reacts with the exposure of detergents and its fragrance. Therefore, use kid’s friendly detergent liquid and rinse cloth diapers properly before making them wear to your little one.
Use Diaper rash creams
You can use diaper rash creams to treat diaper rash in your baby. These creams have got zinc which provides a soothing effect to the skin and prevent contact with faces and another irritant. Just apply a thin layer of diaper rash cream on an affected area to prevent irritation that may cause due to the rash.
Prevent using any kind of petroleum jelly, as it contains few dyes and perfumes and also becomes hard to wash it off from the cloth nappies. Moreover, they are not that effective as a good barrier against diaper rash.
Avoid using highly fragranced products
When it comes to preventing diaper rash in a baby, it is good to avoid highly fragranced products for your baby. Because fragrance-free products are less irritating to the baby’s sensitive skin.
Also, use comfortable and breathable clothes for your child. Avoid making your child wear embellished and heavily embroidered clothes as they cause much friction and leads to skin irritation. Additionally, if you are using those fabrics which are in general less breathable, then on diapers they will promote a moist and hot environment.
When to see the doctor in case of diaper rash
Diaper rashes look painful but it will not bother your child much. Apply the remedies mentioned above and prevent its further occurrence. However, if you see the following infected symptoms in the diaper rash, please contact your paediatrician, immediately:
- Blisters on the diaper area
- Fever
- Redness
- Swelling of the area
- Pus or discharge that drains from the diaper area
- The rash not going even after treatment or starts to worsen
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