Importance of Deworming in Children and Home Remedies
- by Dr. Urvi Ashani

Does your child complain about frequent stomach aches or irritation in the buttock area? It is likely that they might have infection-causing worms in their little tummies. These parasitic worms live in the stomach and survive by extracting nutrients from the host’s body. They cause nutritional deficiencies, poor immunity, and various discomforts in the stomach.
This article talks about deworming kids and its causes, symptoms, and effective precautionary measures to stop the spread of worms in children. Moreover, the post explains various home remedies for deworming in kids. Let’s start:
What is Deworming?
Deworming is the process of eliminating parasitic worms from a child’s digestive system using medications or natural home remedies. Experts suggest that children must be dewormed at least once every six months. The most commonly occurring stomach worms in children are as follows:

What causes stomach worms in children?
The main causes of stomach worms in kids are as follows:

Main symptoms of stomach worms in kids
The primary symptoms of stomach worms varies from children to children. It depends upon the type of the worm and the intensity of the infection caused by them. The list given below highlights the common symptoms of stomach worms in children:

How to prevent worm infections in children?
It is common for children to get worm infections in their stomachs. However, there are some easy ways to prevent the growth of these infections.

1. Practice good hygiene:
Ensure your little one washes their hands with water and soap before eating, using the restroom, playing outside, or with pets. Always let them carry a sanitizer or waterless hand wash at school or playground. Moreover, use clean bedding, clothes, washcloths, undergarments, and towels.
2. Encourage hygienic eating.
The best way to prevent the spread of stomach worms in children is to make them eat hygienic food and drink clean water. Always cook the food thoroughly to kill potential worms or their eggs. Avoid eating raw or undercooked foods. Moreover, ensure to wash the fruits and vegetables properly to prevent infestation of worm eggs.
3. Maintain hygiene of pets:
If you have a pet at home, ensure their hygiene, too. Groom them regularly, clean their bedding, and ensure their belongings are washed occasionally. Prioritize their cleanliness to keep them and your kids germ-free and healthy.
4. Make them wear shoes:
Ensure your child doesn't walk barefoot in soil or sand. Slippers will help prevent worms from entering through their skin.
5. Do not share personal items:
Teach your little ones not to share personal items like towels, clothes, or napkins with others. This will help to stop the spread of worms.
Best home remedies for worms in kids
There are various deworming medicines for kids that help fight worm infection. As parents, you might want to try natural ways to bring comfort to your little one. Given below are some easy and effective home remedies for deworming kids:

1. Turmeric
Turmeric has an active component called curcumin, which is rich in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Regular consumption of turmeric can help remove intestinal worms with ease. You can add turmeric to curries or prepare a warm glass of milk by adding turmeric milk powder.
2. Raw Papaya
Unripe papaya has papain, an enzyme that exhibits anthelmintic properties. It means the ability to kill parasitic worms in the stomach. Moreover, papaya seeds contain caricin that helps expel intestinal roundworms from the body.
You can give your child raw papaya juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of papaya juice with 1 tablespoon of honey in warm water to prepare this. Ensure to give honey to kids aged above 1 year. Plus, you can dry and grind papaya seeds into a powder and mix it with water.
3. Carrots
Raw carrots have a high fiber content which can help keep the digestive system healthy. It also encourages regular bowel movements for a cleaner and healthier gut. Moreover, some researchers believe that carrots can help push the pinworms out of the intestines.
Giving your child raw carrots is best if they like their taste. Another way is to squeeze fresh carrot juice and add a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon juice for a better taste. You can also add honey to the juice if your child is older than 1 year of age.
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the most popular home remedies for deworming. It is believed that applying the coconut oil around the anal area can help prevent worm infestation.
5. Garlic
Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is believed to work as an effective remedy for deworming kids naturally. The best way to consume garlic is by adding it to your kid’s routine diet in curries, soups, or salads.
6. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds have a compound called cucurbitacin. This active ingredient paralyzes intestinal worms like tapeworms and roundworms to ensure easy expulsion from the body. Moreover, they contain high fiber, which is good for digestion and supports regular bowel movements.
7. Cloves
Cloves are rich in antiparasitic and antibacterial properties. This makes them a popular home remedy to remove intestinal worms in children. Add a teaspoon of cloves to a cup of hot water to make clove water. Keep it for 15-20 minutes to cool. Let your kid drink this water a few times weekly to eliminate stomach worms.
8. Pomegranate
Eating pomegranate can also be an effective natural remedy for deworming kids. You can either give your child pomegranate kernels or make pomegranate fresh juice.
Wrapping up
Keeping your little one's gut healthy ensures they enjoy physical growth, mental wellness, and holistic development. Unfortunately, stomach worms can cause stomach discomfort, hinder nutrient absorption, and reduce their immunity and energy. However, with the natural remedies mentioned here, along with preventive measures like using a tummy roll-on for added comfort, you can effectively manage deworming in kids. Gift your little one a healthy stomach and happy living.