Precautions to prevent cough and cold in babies
- by Baby Organo

Cough and cold is caused by viral infection and can last from almost two to four weeks. The symptoms of cough and cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat and coughing. At certain times, it may cause the body temperature to rise and child may suffer fever too.
Generally our immune system is capable of naturally fighting with this kind of viral infections. Virus can stay in the body for up to four to six weeks depending on the type of cough and cold. The symptoms of this infection can be worse during the first few days.
Child can also go through sore throat and might experience pain and struggle with swallowing, frequent coughing, and difficulty in breathing and sometimes fever too. In this situation most of the parents rush towards using counter drugs for cough and cold to make the child feel better. But these counter drugs only help in providing temporary relief.
Also, most of the medical evidences suggest that antibiotics do not tend to kill viruses, so it is not recommended to use antibiotics to treat cough and cold. Instead there are a lot of various alternatives available to soothe your child!
Let us first discuss about the types of cough that child can be suffering from:
- Croup cough: This comes with harsh barking and dry cough with swelling of vocal cords.
- Wet cough: Usually caused by cold. This is lower respiratory tract infection characterised by mucous secretions.
- Dry cough: This is due to upper respiratory tract infection, influenza or cold. Children with asthma and allergies can also suffer from dry cough.
- Whooping cough: It comes with breathing difficulties, fast coughing and whooping sound while breathing.
For babies that are aged less than 12 months of age, cold cough followed by breathing difficulties need paediatric attention. A normal cough and cold generally lasts from two to four weeks.
Precautions to be taken:
- Use BabyOrgano Cough and Cold Relief Roll-on that contains natural ingredients and provides fast relief to your child.
- Increase intake of hot fluids to soothe their throat.
- Inhaling steam also helps to relief sore throat and nose.
- Intake of tulsi leaves or hot turmeric milk is also very helpful.
- There are many alternatives and relying on natural remedies for treating cough and cold at early age helps a lot and fast recovery from the viral infections.
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- Home-Remedies