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Swarna Bhasma: The Ancient Ayurvedic Gold Remedy for Modern Wellness

  • by Dr. Urvi Ashani
Swarna Bhasma: The Ancient Ayurvedic Gold Remedy for Modern Wellness
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    Gold is not just a precious metal but an excellent immunity booster for kids. For centuries, Indian sages and health experts have been using gold in the form of Swarna Bhasma to make medicines and supplements. It is a potent Ayurvedic ingredient with many benefits for physical growth, cognitive function, and holistic wellness. 

    Curious to know more about Swarna Bhasma powder? Worry not! This blog will give you detailed information on Swarna Bhasma's benefits, making, uses, precautions, and side effects. We have also mentioned Baalprashan Suvarnaprashan Drops, which are made using Swarna Bhasma to strengthen kids' immunity and overall wellness. Let’s start: 

    What is Swarna Bhasma?

    What is Swarna Bhasma?

    Swarna Bhasma, also called Gold Ash, is a fine powder extracted from pure gold. This century-old ingredient is revered for its extraordinary rejuvenating and therapeutic properties. It has been a major ingredient in preparing Ayurvedic medicines due to its multiple benefits for growth and development.

    The golden powder enhances immunity, improves skin radiance, nurtures cognitive health, and fosters holistic wellness. These Swarna Bhasma health benefits are mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. 

    The Making of Swarna Bhasma

    Making of Swarna Bhasma

    Like most Ayurvedic remedies, the preparation of Swarna Bhasma is a detailed process with multiple steps to extract the purest powder.

    The blend of traditional techniques and scientific support creates a balanced flow in the making chain. It is essential to follow the preparation steps in the same order to get the best quality bhasma. The making of Swarna Bhasma involves the following steps:

    1. Purification

    Purification, or Shodhana, is the first step in preparing Suvarna Bhasma Ayurvedic powder. Here, gold is purified with herbal extracts, such as Triphala decoction. This helps remove impurities from the metal and increases its medicinal potency. It helps enhance the power of Ayurvedic formulations made using Swarna Bhasma, like Suvarnaprashan Drops. 

    2. Grinding 

    After purification comes grinding. The pure gold extracted above is mixed with natural ingredients like cow ghee. The contents are ground into a fine paste to prepare the Swarna Bhasma dosage.

    3. Incineration

    The golden paste is transferred and sealed firmly in an earthen pot. The container is heated to a high temperature in a furnace. This process is repeated multiple times to transform the gold completely. 

    4. Cooling

    The earthen pot is removed from the furnace and cooled down. This is the step where Gold ash is collected. 

    5. Purity test

    The collected gold ash is checked on various parameters, including color, texture, and absorption rate. Per the standards, the gold ash must be soft, fine-textured, and easy to mix in water.

    The Science Behind Swarna Bhasma

    Science Behind Swarna Bhasma

    Research has revealed that Swarna Bhasma helps support the function of cells in the human body. It consists of nano-sized particles that get easily absorbed into the body without causing any adverse effects. Smooth absorption helps give quick benefits with medicines and formulations infused with gold ash. Thus, Swarna Bhasma is a safe and potent Ayurvedic remedy for children.

    Administering Gold Ash in medicines improves metabolism, strengthens the defense system, and promotes growth and development. Good metabolism helps in the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

    It gives your little one the energy to stay active and focused in everything they do at school, home, or play. Moreover, they can keep their tiny bodies safe from common infections and health problems with strong immunity.

    Health Benefits of Swarna Bhasma

    The various benefits of administering Swarna Bhasma powder to your child are given here: 

    Health Benefits of Swarna Bhasma

    1. Boosts Immunity

    Swarna Bhasma exhibits immunomodulatory properties that are known to strengthen the innate immune system. With strong immunity, your body can fight seasonal illnesses, infections, and disease-causing viruses efficiently. Over time, regular Swarna Bhasma dosage can enhance resistance and keep you strong and healthy.

    2. Enhances Cognitive Function

    Reports suggest that Suvarna Bhasma can help improve your child's cognitive health. It is believed to enhance the focus and concentration of children in their learning years. They can understand and remember the things learned for long. In addition, the bhasma relieves stress and anxiety, giving your child a calm mind to stay active in studies or play. 

    3. Increases Physical Health and Energy

    You might find it surprising, but your child has a busier life than you. They have to focus on their studies and stay active on the playground. Their tiny bodies need a lot of strength and energy to enjoy their childhood. Luckily, Swarna Bhasma is a rejuvenating ingredient that can improve your child’s physical health, provide energy, and increase their stamina. 

    4. Supports Digestive Health

    Good health comes with good nutrition. But sometimes the food your child eats doesn’t get absorbed well in their body. Swarna Bhasma aids nutrient absorption to give your little one all the benefits of a healthy diet. It improves their digestion, metabolism, and energy release from food. 

    5. Promotes Longevity

    Swarna Bhasma has rejuvenating properties that help sustain youthfulness. It enhances the working of the body functions, slows down ageing signs, and improves holistic well-being. 

    6. Balances the Doshas

    Our bodies are made of three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is essential to keep these doshas balanced for good physical, mental, and emotional health. Swarna Bhasma dosage helps keep the doshas balanced by eliminating imbalances that cause health problems. Thus, it enhances your child’s overall wellness.  

    7. Improves Skin Health

    In Ayurveda, Swarna Bhasma is well-known for its excellent benefits for your child’s delicate skin. It is a natural detoxifier with rejuvenating properties that lock your baby’s natural glow. It works on blemishes, pigmentation, and other skin troubles. The antioxidants in the powder guard the skin against damage from pollution and dust to give a healthy, soft texture.  

    8. Supports Heart Health

    The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. Swarna Bhasma can help keep it healthy by reducing cholesterol, improving blood circulation, and supporting overall health. 

    How to Use Swarna Bhasma?

    How to Use Swarna Bhasma

    In Ayurveda, Swarna Bhasma is an essential ingredient for preparing medicines and formulations for various health conditions. It is combined with Ayurvedic herbs like Brahmi, honey, or ghee to enhance its properties further. 

    The multiple Swarna Bhasma uses involve administering the powder to your child in very small quantities after it is mixed with the above ingredients. It is highly recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor for the right dosage before giving it to your child. 

    Introducing BabyOrgano’s Baalprashan Swarnaprashan

    Baalprashan Swarnaprashan

    According to Hinduism, 16 samskaras celebrate the different chapters of a child's personal, emotional, and spiritual shifts. Suvarnaprashan is a part of the 4th sanskar called Jatakarma.

    As part of the ritual, a mixture of gold ash, honey, and ghee is touched on the baby’s tongue. It is aimed to improve the immunity and holistic wellness of newborns.

    Most parents give Suvarnaprashan to their children on Pushyanakshatra, as it is an auspicious day for starting new rituals and practices. The star alignment on Pushyanakshatra is believed to enhance the medicinal potency of gold. As Suvarnaprashan has gold, its benefits increase on Pushyanakshatra, promising a healthy life for your child.

    Key Benefits of Baalprashan Swarnaprashan

    • Boosts immunity to help fight common health problems 

    • Supports recovery from sickness

    • Increases focus, concentration, and cognitive health

    • Supplies energy and stamina

    • Aids digestion and nutrient absorption

    • Enhances holistic wellness   

    Why Choose BabyOrgano’s Baalprashan Swarnaprashan?

    BabyOrgano Baalparshan Suvarnaprashan Drops are 100% natural. They are prepared after intensive research and scientific tests performed by a dedicated R&D team. The drops are inspired by the 5,000-year-old formulation recipe mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts.

    They contain real 24CT Gold Ash and 10+ rare herbs that promote growth and development in kids. Unlike other Suvarnaprashan Drops that use refined sugar, Baalprashan contains the natural sweetness of honey. Plus, there are no harmful chemicals, preservatives, or synthetic colors. 

    Precautions and Side Effects

    Swarna Bhasma is an Ayurvedic ingredient with multiple benefits for your child’s health and wellness. It is gentle on the body when taken in the recommended dosage suggested by an Ayurvedic expert. Also, it is advised not to consume it in severe illnesses to ensure safety from Swarna Bhasma side effects. Lastly, purchase the gold ash from a trusted brand so you know it is free from impurities and synthetic ingredients. 

    Though Ayurvedic, excessive Swarna Bhasma dosage can lead to digestive problems, nausea, body heating, or allergic reactions in your child. Keep an eye out for adverse effects and seek medical help instantly.


    Swarna Bhasma is an age-old formulation known for boosting immunity and improving overall wellness. It is widely used in medicines and Ayurvedic solutions prepared using herbs and natural ingredients. This informative guide discusses Swarna Bhasma in detail and its valuable use in making Baalprashan Suvarnaprashan Drops.

    You must follow the correct Swarna Bhasma dosage and follow the precautionary steps to give your child the gift of good health.

    The use of Ayurvedic baby care products gives your little one the most gentle care that keeps them healthy and active in everything they love. These products contain natural ingredients and herbs that provide nourishment and care. They are free from chemicals and artificial colors. Keep them happy with the gift of Ayurvedic wellness.