What are the benefits of Honey for children?
- by Baby Organo

Honey is a natural sweetener. It can not only be used as a taste enhancer but also can be used as natural and home remedy to any mild illness. Due to its several medicinal properties, Honey forms a base of Ayurvedic medicine. Its nutritional value is also very high. Honey is highly beneficial for kids above the age of 1 year. Usually, Honey is not given to the kids below the age of 1 year because young toddler’s tummy is not yet ready to digest Honey natural antioxidant properties. Still, several health benefits of honey which it can give to a growing child cannot be ignored.
Health benefits of Honey
1. To get relief from cough and cold
With the season change, children are vulnerable to illness, cough and cold. Being the cough and cold the most common problem in children, serving 1 tbsp of lukewarm honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder helps children in getting relief from cough and cold.
2. For the promotion of a healthy digestive system
Among the many known benefits of Honey, using Honey for the promotion of a healthy digestive system in kids is the most common one. The nutritional benefits of Honey clear the blockage and regularise the bowel movement. It further provides relief from any stomach infections like indigestion, constipation, bloating, etc.
If your child complains of any such stomach disorders, serve your child a tbsp of honey with freshly squeezed ginger juice. Stir them well and give it your child daily for effective results.
3. It boosts energy
When it comes to boosting energy in kids, there can be nothing better than a teaspoon of honey. Being a rich source of carbohydrates, it provides ample energy to a child to stay active throughout the day. Honey is also a great source of vitamins, minerals and calcium which almost complete the everyday nutrition of 4.a child.
4. Strengthens the immune system
Honey promotes the production of immune cells in the human body thereby keeps the immune system healthy and strong. It’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties helps the body to fight against infections and illness-causing germs and viruses.
Honey is a source of rich diet, therefore it is avoided for the kids below the age of 1 year, still, some children are allergic to children. Hence, keep these below pointers in mind, before serving your child a spoonful of honey.
- If your child complains of stomach pain after consuming honey, it can be a sign of an allergy. Hence do not give Honey to your child.
- Honey has some traces of pollen. Hence, if your child is allergic to pollens, avoid giving Honey to your child.
- When choosing Honey for your child, select a certified and pure variety of Honey. Alternatively, you can also try BabyOrgano Baal Amrut Suvarnaprashan. BabyOrgano is one of the most trusted brands when it comes to baby care.
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- Home-Remedies