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Turmeric for Kids: 6 Health Benefits That Make it Popular

  • by Dr. Urvi Ashani
Turmeric for Kids: 6 Health Benefits That Make it Popular
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    Haldi wala doodh! We all grew up drinking this magical drink made with lots of love from our adorable mothers. As kids, the yellow colour of turmeric milk fascinated us, while our mothers felt happy with the multiple health benefits it offered us. But have you ever thought why turmeric milk is so essential for health? 

    Most people consider turmeric a kitchen spice and remain ignorant of its many benefits for holistic growth and development in kids. This article highlights the main advantages of including turmeric in your little one’s diet to enhance their overall well-being. Moreover, you will get detailed information about the turmeric powder for milk infused with natural Ayurvedic herbs. Let’s start:

    Importance and Usage of Turmeric for Kids

    Ayurveda considers turmeric a wholesome herb packed with various benefits for children. This golden herb has been recognised for its medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Moreover, turmeric is also mentioned in Ayurveda books like Bhavprakash Nighnatu and Dravyagun Vigyan for its incredible advantages for holistic growth. 

    Reports suggest that parents should give turmeric to babies when they are six months or older. Plus, you must ensure the infant is on a solid food diet before introducing them to turmeric. Newborns shouldn’t be given turmeric in any form.

    Infants have a weaker digestive system compared to adults. So, you must give them a small amount of turmeric at the start. Also, check on your baby for any reactions or allergies from the spice. We recommend consulting a paediatrician before adding turmeric to your kid’s food. 

    From the content above, you learned about the right age and dosage of turmeric for kids. It’s time to reveal this magical herb's various benefits for your little ones. Keeper reading!

    How does turmeric benefit kids?

    Thanks to the curcumin present in turmeric, it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. But this is not it; there are various benefits of turmeric that you must know about. Let’s take a look:

    Improves Digestion

    Improves Digestion

    For years, your parents and grandparents must have encouraged you to consume turmeric for good gut health. This is because the curcumin in turmeric makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory herb. It helps reduce common stomach problems like bloating, gas, and constipation. 

    Kids need a healthy digestive system to ensure optimum nutrient absorption for their growth and development. With turmeric, you can naturally support your little one’s digestive health by aiding nutrient extraction from the food. This is why most parents prefer giving their kids the haldi powder with milk once daily to keep their tummies happy and healthy.

    Enhances Immunity

    Enhances Immunity

    Turmeric is revered for its powerful immunity-boosting capabilities for kids. The inherent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic nature of turmeric helps protect your little ones from common seasonal illnesses like colds, flu, and viral infections. 

    Further, reports suggest curcumin increases the body's production of white blood cells. These cells are a part of the immune system and shield the body against infections and diseases.

    Boosts Cognitive Function

    Boosts Cognitive Function

    You can trust haldi doodh mix for healthy cognitive growth in your kids. The herb offers neuroprotective properties that promote mental function and guard the brain against damage. It helps boost memory, enhance learning power, and improve overall brain health. 

    Moreover, the anti-inflammatory nature of turmeric makes it effective in managing issues like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's. It reduces inflammation, eventually reducing or slowing down the effect of these conditions. 

    Relieves Stress

    Relieves Stress

    Curcumin offers antioxidant properties to turmeric that can significantly reduce the build-up of oxidative stress in kids. Oxidative stress occurs due to a disproportion in the body's balance of free radicals and antioxidants. It causes cell damage and can lead to severe problems like cancer or Alzheimer’s. The antioxidants present in turmeric can help reduce oxidative stress in your kids. 

    Improves Heart Health

    Improves Heart Health

    Turmeric helps soothe inflammation and improve blood circulation in the body. It can also bring down cholesterol levels and restrict plaque collection in the arteries. These conditions can put your kids at risk of various health problems early on. 

    Gives Good Skin Health

    Gives Good Skin Health

    Turmeric is one of the best natural herbs for skin health in kids. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties help relieve skin irritation, which is quite common in kids during summer. Plus, the antioxidants protect your kid’s delicate skin from damage. For ages, turmeric has been a favourite ingredient of natural homemade ubtans for most Indian households. 

    Besides kesar haldi powder in milk, you can also use Natural Ubtan to give your child healthy, glowing skin. This herbal bath powder for babies contains turmeric, chickpea, sandalwood, and rose. It helps exfoliate dead skin, reduce sun tan, remove fine body hair, and brighten the skin. 

    Easy ways to include turmeric in kids diet

    Given below are some easy ways to add turmeric to your kid’s routine. However, if you see any symptoms of an allergy or discomfort in your kid, stop giving turmeric to your child and seek medical aid. 

    Turmeric Milk

    Often referred to as the Golden Milk, turmeric milk is a mom’s favourite drink for their kids. It helps relieve cough and cold and improves healing. Add a pinch of turmeric to hot or cold milk to prepare a small cup of turmeric milk.  

    Turmeric milk is loaded with benefits for kids. However, its strong taste might not appeal to their taste buds. In such a case, Nutriverse Kesar Badam Milk Mix is your ideal solution. 

    This herbal haldi doodh mix has a rich natural sweetness derived from jaggery, mishri, honey, and dates. It comprises 8+ herbs like Hadjod, Turmeric, Jyotismati, Anantmool, Brahmi, Triphala, Shatavari, etc. 

    You can give this haldi milk powder to promote growth, immunity, and holistic health in kids. 

    Other Food Items

    There are various other food items for which you can use turmeric as an ingredient for your kids. These eatables are easy to prepare and enrich your little ones with all the essential benefits of the herb. Make sure to use only a tiny amount of turmeric in the food to maintain its taste and goodness for kids. The list is as follows:

    • Vegetable curries, roasted vegetables, or stir-fries
    • Khichdi 
    • Daal
    • Soups and stews
    • Pureed foods

    Precautions to Take When Giving Turmeric To Babies

    Every child is unique and reacts differently to the food or drink ingredients they consume. When adding turmeric to your diet’s diet, you must consider the following precautions:

    • Always use a tiny amount of turmeric for infants and babies. 
    • Look for the signs of allergies or any adverse reactions in your kid after consuming turmeric. 
    • Use organic turmeric powder from trusted brands only. BabyOrgano's Kesar Haldi Milk mix is the easiest way to give your kid a wholesome glass of turmeric milk every night. It is the best turmeric powder for milk infused with 4 natural sweeteners and 8+ Ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, Hadjod, Brahmi, Jyotismati, etc. It helps boost immunity, support growth, and enhance overall health. Plus, its Kesar flavour will instantly please your kid’s taste buds. 
    • Avoid giving turmeric supplements to kids. 

    Turmeric is a revered Ayurvedic ingredient with a plethora of benefits for your kids. By following the precautions mentioned above, you can give your kid all the goodness of turmeric without risking their health. 

    Wrapping up

    Gift your kid holistic health and strong immunity by adding turmeric to their diet through food and drinks. While adding flavour, this golden herb has impressive anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties essential for growth. It enriches your kid with the right nutritional wealth to give them a healthy present and healthier future. 

    Keep visiting us for more informative blogs on natural childcare, nutrition, Ayurveda wisdom, and gentle parenting. 


    Can I give turmeric milk to kids regularly?

    Yes, you can give kids turmeric milk once every day. However, ensure to use only a pinch of turmeric or a tablespoon of haldi milk powder for best results. Keep checking for allergies or any other discomfort in your child, and stop using if you see any of them. 

    Can turmeric brighten my kid’s skin?

    Yes, turmeric can help support skin brightening in kids. You can use Natural Ubtan for kids to remove skin tan and brighten the skin tone. It works like a herbal bath powder that cleans and softens your kid’s delicate skin.